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20200618 Probleme Juridice 

20180312 ARA Trademark Cease and Desist letter to Dinu Leonte, Oana Leonte, Ileana Costea,

Vasile Staicu and Constantin Corduneanu

20170920 Open Letter

20170327 Letter from the Law Office of John C. Orcutt, III

Breach of Fiduciary Duty of Dinu Leonte, Oana Leonte, Ileana Costea, Vasile Staicu and Constantin Corduneanu to American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences

20161030  Resolution

20161001  Resolution

20160921b  Resolution

20160921  Resolution

20160815  Resolution

20160427  Resolution

20151124  Resolution

20150504  Resolution

20140623  Resolution

20131109 EC Resolution












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