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The annual ARA Excellence Awards were presented to:


Acad. Bogdan SIMIONESCU - Vice President of the Romanian Academy, Romania

Dr. Carmen SABAU - ARA Emeritus member, USA


"Prof. Dr.Mircea Sabau" ARA Awards for Excellence in Physics/Chemistry was awarded to:


Dr. Ioana IONEL - ARA Corresponding Member, Romania


ARA Award of Ecellence in Sciences was presented to:


Prof. Dr. Tudor RATIU - ARA Full Member, USA

Dr. Catalina CURCEANU - ARA Full Member, USA

Prof. Mihaela D. Leonida - ARA Full Member, USA

Dr. Doina URICARIU - Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute, New York, USA


ARA Award of Ecellence in Arts was presented to:


Luminita GLIGA


Emeritus Membership in ARA






© 2023 by American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences

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