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the 38th ARA Congress

July 23-27, 2014,  Pasadena, California

It is a distinct pleasure to invite you  to the 38th ARA Congress, in Pasadena,  California. Intellectuals of  Romanian descent from all around  the world, and friends of Romania of all  nationalities, will meet to discuss  recent contributions to art and science.   In addition, TED styled talks  will present revolutionary ideas in  technology, business, healthcare,  entertainment, and other fields that  mark our lives and shape our future.  Please join us. 















ARA President,

Prof. Ruxandra Vidu, PhD

University of California,  Davis


38th ARA Congress Chairman

Dr. Adrian Stoica

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 

California Institute of Technology


Looking forward to welcoming you to  Pasadena at the end of July. If there is  anything we can do in preparation of  your visit, please do not hesitate  to contact us, and we will do our best  to help you.   


Dr Adrian Stoica, General Chair, and  

Dr Virgil Adumitroaie, Local Chair   NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology























Contact Information


Key Members of the Organizing Team











Jacob Segal, Organizer and Moderator

Panel on Business and Entrepreneurship











Florina Kendrick Roberts

Master of Ceremonies, Banquet, Friday Eve









Roxanne Istrate,

Master of Ceremonies Saturday TEDx Styled Talks: Beyond the Horizon


Local Support Team Coordination











Schuyler Eldridge

Deputy Local Chair, Logistics












Ioana Ene

Student Track Chair




President of the American Romaniana Academy of Arts and Sciences

Keynotes      Thursday

Prof. Basarab Nicolescu

Emeritus Prof of Physics,

CNRS, France

Honorary Member, Romanian Academy

The Need For Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education

Prof. Gheorghe Mateescu

Emeritus Prof of Chemistry,

Case Western Univ.,USA

Honorary Member, Romanian Academy Flying with Eagles: a Tale of Four Countries

Keynotes   Friday

Prof. Alexandru T Balaban

Emeritus Prof of Chemistry

Texas A&M, USA

Member, Romanian Academy

What is Mathematical Chemistry?

Dr. Constantin Bulucea

IEEE Fellow, USA

Honorary Member, Romanian Academy

Eastern Europe's Semiconductor Technology and its Merging into the Globalization Trend

Petru Popescu

Writer,director and movie producer, uthor of best-selling novels, USA

Romanians in Hollywood, and in American Fiction

Guest of Honor

James Rosapepe

Maryland Senator

Former US Ambasador to Romania

Eugen Chivu

Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles

Special Guest, Opening Address

Round-table “Dialogue of Cultures”, moderated by Prof Basarab Nicolescu and other events of interest including the art exhibition, the  business panel, and other see the Special Events Section 

Invited Speakers: TED-Styled Day - Saturday July 26th

Session 1: Science, Engineering and Technology

Daniel Marcu, PhD

Research Scientist, USC, Founder, Language Weaver Inc. Los Angeles, CA

From ineffable to hundreds of millions of users

Ciprian Manolescu, PhD

Professor of Mathematics University of California Los Angeles, CA

Topology in low  and high dimensions

George Roth

President, Recognos San Raphael, CA Member, VC Roundtable networking group in Palo Alto.

From "Fireball XL5 to Semantic Technology" or the connection between Steve Zodiac and Steve Job

Bogdan Marcu, PhD

Senior Engineering Scientist SpaceX and

USC, Los Angeles, CA

Personal Notes on  Space Exploration

Session 2: Medicine, Hystory and Art

Adrian Bot, MD, PhD

Vice-President, Kite Pharma Santa Monica, California

Synthetic Biology Leapfrogs Mankind into the Era of "Intelligent Design"

Bogdan Suceavă, PhD

Professor of Mathematics,

California State University, Fullerton

A Medieval Mystery:

On Nicole  Oresme's Idea of Curvitas

Joe Ferguson, PhD  

Clinical Psychologist, Laguna Beach ,CA FormerVice President, Dish Network Engineering

The Science of Art:  Natural History of Intuition and Aesthetics

  Session 3: Life-styles, death-styles, spirituality and experimentation

John Tanner, PhD

Director at NuSci

The Nutrition Science Foundation, Monrovia, CA  

CEO at Tanner Research 

I almost died. Needlessly.Will you?

Liliana Cerepnalkoski  MD

Pioneer in the field of medical intuition and energy medicine, Los Angeles, CA

Medical Intuition and Energy Medicine

Session 4: Healthcare and business

Invited Talk

Hortenzia Beciu

Director for the Middle East and Africa,

Johns Hopkins Medicine International (JHI)

With painting exhibition and the special participation of the following artists

Alexandru Darida

Jerry McDaniel

Katherine Arion

Eva Halus

Maria Zamfir Bleyberg


Domnita Dumitrescu               Ileana Costea             Gheorghe Dragan                      Mircea Goia

Musical performances by the following artists

© 2025 by American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences

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